India Rightly Disparages USA Aptly, More Would Be Ensuing...India Being So Upbeat...what is being now widely, assuredly, fixedly termed in both USA and India as perfect, more-than-matching, much-more-than-daring, reality-not-at-all-platonic reality, India rpt India rightly disparages USA aptly, more (= more belittling) could --- rather, would --- well be not only in just offing but surely ensuing as well. Impending also any moment. Once that happens, USA surely will be stymied, dwarfed, punctured, laid aside.India will be naturally, without slightest exaggeration, will be on top then which it is any way now itself. If it was not so, America would not bother about India's "steep high tariff on USA" and let America raise "sky high hue and cry about it" and repeatedly urged / pleaded with India to reduce tariff which India did not adhere to thereby exhibiting its 100% confident superciliousness on USA retaining the tariff exactly the way it had applied on the USA despite that country's vociferous 'objection' --- courtesy, USA President Donald Trump --- and pleading with India to reduce the tariff. Stiff no to that from India. Even veiled threats from Trump of teaching India a befitting lesson to India did not make India reduce even a wee bit of tariff it imposed on USA.The latter was transfixed, astounded at the gumption of India for remaining adamant at its stand, no reduction in tariff vis-a-vis USA. Out of rage, USA has increased its tariff by manifold. Couldn't care less: India. Thus what? Obviously, the ball is in the USA's court for obvious reasons. Not India's. Under the all pervading global circumstances, India is specifically seen / opined / viewed as "the must" country in all needs --- more needed than even, the USA, for, India's far more multi proven fool proof A-Z worthiness, thus, inseparable --- thus, more in relevance than the US as it is being seen as growingly grotesque, "old". Newness is in India. Naturally then, India remains fixed in its own terms. Also, India disparages the USA aptly, more would be offing. Many in the whole world are truly dazzled, surprised at India displaying its open defiance to the USA and belittling it. They have not a clue on from where India is gathering such mammoth courage to "snub" USA when most of the world are "subservient" to the USA any way. How come India is not. That too, India is not at all very highly placed in the world. What then is the mystery of India truly defying the USA, it's truly a mystery. And it remains unsolved. Perhaps confused, surprised is the USA as well. As of now, there is no way out for the USA, it is forced to be in an inescapable dilemma: Whether or not to be in agreement with India. As of now, "Uncle Tom" is "mighty befuddled with no solution in sight" thus, India-imposed taxes remain. That leaves USA where? At the time of writing it, strong messages are coming about India is fully justified in its tariff implementation, and, there is no question of its reducing the tariff under all sorts of pressures from the USA. In fact, the USA should not have hiked it's tariff by manifold to scare India. But India is not at all scared. It continues with its labelled tariff on the USA in the truest sense of determined assent / assertion. The USA is free to do what it does in reciprocal behaviour, India couldn't care less a wee bit. India Rightly Disparages USA aptly, more would be ensuing.