Kharau Makes News

Soumitra Bose

New Delhi (The Hawk): Kharau Makes "sudden", "significant" "in focus" News...Kharau, ancient wooden footwear mentioned herein dating back to before Ramayana time, that is, as it makes 'wild' news "out of blues" but not so really, unanimously say in chorus analysts, sociologists and, historians: Issue of Kharam now is not gratuitous so to say as it was "thoughtfully, strategically, rightly resurrected" by the Congress bigwig + ex-Central Minister Salman Khurshid. He while snubbing Rahul Gandhi critics criticising his sudden pro-Ram moves likened Rahul Gandhi like Bharat holding on to Ram's footwear Kharam as "Him" and administered Ayodhya; Ram himself went in to "Vanavaas" for 14 years appointing Bharat as Raja of Ayodhya in his absence. But Bharat put Ram's Kharam on the throne and by the throne-side administered Ayo-dhya. ...Salman Khurshid pointed out sequence of events "as they happened" but, there was a roaring hue-n-cry on why he connected Rahul Gandhi with Raja Ram's Kharam etc. While it goes on, there is a sudden overwhelming demand for kharams in the markets. There is a sudden spurt in kharam-manufacturing, suggest reports; thanks to "Rahul, SalmanBhai", express overwhelmingly exhile-rated kharam-makers, overwhelmed by their "boost" to them.

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