In Order To Create A Better Future, We Have To Develop Interest In Reading Books Among Children


Vijay Garg

By the way, the word library itself is a word with a wide meaning. The library is also called the treasure of knowledge, which has a great contribution in the progress and development of human life. From the past, the school education department has been giving a lot of attention by establishing libraries in primary schools across the state. Efforts are being made to connect children with books, which is commendable. There should be a separate room for the library It is said that when If the child starts reading books outside the syllabus, i.e. joins the library, he goes on the path of becoming a scholar. If young children are interested in reading books through inspiration at the primary level, then it will be a golden thing. Library corners have come into existence for every school in Punjab. For this work, the teachers need to contribute their due. First of all, if possible, there should be a separate room for the library in the school, so that the children can sit there and study the books comfortably. Increases The collection Reading books increases children's vocabulary. They have a strong grasp of knowledge. Vocabulary growth is helpful for exams. Young children must attend the morning meeting. It is a subject of general knowledge and epistemology. In case of having external knowledge, children can answer every question in a correct way, so the support of books is very important. Significant steps will have to be taken If a better future is to be created, children will have to develop interest in reading books. Proper arrangements have to be made for them. children Effective steps have to be taken to connect with the library. The support of children's parents, SMC committees and social support organizations etc. can also be taken for this work, which is more needed these days. Make sure to read the books Children should be encouraged to read by taking them to the library and telling them about its benefits. Children should be taught stories, jokes and riddles in the early stages. This will increase their interest and interest in reading. Essay composition for fourth and fifth class children, stories, essays and poems etc. should be given for reading. Books should be issued to children throughout the week. Be sure to read them as well. After this reaction can be taken. Necessary guidance for this work should be provided by the class in-charge and library in-charge teacher. Increase in mental and intellectual capacity Books are a means of learning as well as enjoyment for children. Children who read books never get bored. With this, concentration of reading is made in children. Going forward with this It is very helpful for their studies. Books are guides for children. By connecting with the library, children are fascinated by many literary forms such as novels, monologues, travelogues, essays, poems, stories. It teaches the test of successful living. Books increase the mental and intellectual capacity of children. Books that teach life examination Along with studying the syllabus, it is also very important to develop moral qualities in children. Books fulfill this function. Children are taught a good way of life They create a sense of decency in them. To become a good speaker on the stage, the study of knowledge-enhancing books is very important. This interest should be developed at the primary level itself. The child will develop leadership qualities in the future and will be able to lead well. The need for inspiration in the early stages Children need inspiration in the early stages. Later they will like to read themselves. Books are our true friends. Their knowledge is practical and permanent. To provide children with guidance for the future are a good resource. 

    —The Hawk Features

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