From The PM To Where? Now that the moot question in many's lips relate to what immediately concrete next to the Prime Minister's clear, no-holds-barred timely pronouncement in "holy" Prayagraj / Allahabad that "Kumbh Mela Is Grand Yagna Of Unity, Where Distinction Of Caste Disappears"...Simply magnificent lesson from the Prime Minister. He rightly chose the "for all without an iota of any caste, creed, credo consideration" Kumbh Mela venue to take out his mind on why caste considerations in this country, in our societies should be done away with, as has been more than numerous times been said before but to end it, the high time is yet to arrive. Perhaps the PM thought it befitting to choose the "all caste etc accomodating" Kumbh spot to once more "advise" to do away with caste considerations that if all are Bane in our society, causes of most upheaval, if checked thoroughly.
Most of the upheavals will not occur at all if casteism is done away with in our societies from national to urban to semi-urban to mufassil to district to village to even hamlet level. Why should there not be only Bharatiya without any caste etc considerations. Why not so? Because, as long as caste considerations are diligently or habitually or "by the way" or "incidentally" nurtured / patronised / activated / propped, almost all fundamental developmental works in the country, its all levels up to the grass root remain affected even stalled, peace being elusive in the societies. All kinds of developmental works need peaceful atmosphere to be completed in uninterrupted manner in time bound way. Violence in the societies --- 99.9% officially due to caste, sub-caste etc conflicts leading to violence even macabre meaning waste of time, stalling of normalcy, hold over of developmental works howsoever big or small they be --- only are surely detrimental in the multi-dimensional, acute numerous caste ridden societies like ours.
Point is, if developmental works have to happen uniformly, according to schedules in time bound manner then societies ought to be peaceful, uniform, smooth. No upheaval of any kind be allowed in that at all under any circumstances, come what may. Let's remember that more the peace, faster + swifter development works and as per pre-fixed schedules. Any deliberate lapse in these then naturally will be caught, the entities responsible for this then will be naturally hauled up with due action taken against them unlike now when they escape with one lie or the other. To surely avert this, it is most imperative that all lapses are plugged right in the beginning itself. Once that done, cent per cent  accountability will pervade in all levels, thus, the consequences will be fully fool proof, naturally + accountable + worthy more than what is expected or forecast about the same.Â