The six Who'll largely enable BJP Win in Delhi assembly elections due to their commanding popularity: Ramesh Bidhuri, Arvinder Singh Lovely, Kailash Gehlot, Parvesh Verma, Manoj Shokeen, Raj Kumar Chauhan, and, surely, Satish Upadhyay. Add to them: Tarwinder Singh Marwaha, and, a host of others, currently their names are being kept hidden for political strategic reasons. As the fast developing tempo among the parties is fast building up for the voting on Delhi election, the BJP is becoming more and more cautious on keeping its election strategies extremely close to its chest not letting any news regarding it leak in any way to avoid jeopardy of the party's poll winning chances. To strictly avert that, the X number of sure shot winning candidates of the BJP will be flashed at the last moment so that they take their rivals by sheer surprise, comment those in know of those matters. They then are the six and more who will reportedly consolidate winning-phenomenon of the BJP in a big way.