Technology is becoming the cause of diseases in children

Exploring the Impact of Technology on Speech Development in Young Children: Recognizing Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions. From Late Speech to Behavioral Changes, Unraveling the Challenges and Providing Practical Parenting Tips.
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As the technology is increasing, the comfortable facilities of human life are also increasing. Technology which is considered as a boon today is causing loss of human being in many fields. One such major disadvantage, which is considered to be a gift of modern technology, is the problem of late speech in young children. Technology is becoming the cause of diseases in children As technology is increasing, human lifeThe comfortable facilities are also increasing. Technology which is considered as a boon today is causing loss of human being in many fields. One such big disadvantage, which is considered to be a gift of modern technology, is the problem of late speaking in young children, which is found in about 40 percent of children today. There are various reasons for the rise of this problem. Symptoms of the disease In human life, when a disease surrounds the body, it starts showing its symptoms first. If you recognize those symptoms in timeIf the solutions are taken out, we can avoid the fury of that disease. If not treated in time, the treatment may also be affected due to the confusion of the disease. Similarly, if we talk about the problem of delayed speech in young children, then in normal life, a child starts speaking and understanding single words from birth to about 18 months. Many children learn to speak single words before this time. There are some children in whom even after 24 to 36 months of time, single words are not spoken.The ability to speak and understand does not develop. This is a major sign that a child is suffering from a speech delay. Sometimes a child's mental retardation from birth is a major reason. The second symptom is that even after 24 months, if the child does not make direct eye contact with us after listening to us, or ignores the person speaking and delays in understanding, then this symptom is a late speech problem. There are beginnings. The remaining 50 percent of children are not delayed due to our own mistakes or negligenceThey suffer from speech problems. In modern times, the biggest reason is technology, the misuse and excessive use of which is causing delayed speech in children. If the child does not start speaking by 2-4 years, then we will call him a victim of late speech disorder, which must be treated. Excessive use of TV and mobile Due to the advancement of technology, mobile phones have come in the hands of children in the world today. Children spend more time on TV due to parents not being able to spare time for their childrenPriority is given to watching or passing time by using mobile all the time, which is causing delay in speech development. For their own convenience, parents encourage young children to spend more time watching cartoons on TV or playing games on mobile phones, due to which the development of communication skills in children is delayed. A child communicates only one-way, due to which the act of seeing is more developed than the act of speaking. Watching too much TV has a bad effect on the eyesight, as well as too much mobileHearing is also affected by its use. Today, excessive use of such tools is causing physical damage. Increase in physical diseases Due to the mistakes of the parents, there is a significant increase in the physical diseases of young children today. If we compare the children of two-three decades ago with today's generation, we have very alarming results. In those times, the lack of technology, the good outdoor environment and the constant presence of parents with children were the main reasons for the absence of diseases among them. On the contraryToday, due to parents not taking time for their children and having an unsuitable environment, children are suffering from various physical diseases at an early age. Around 45 percent of the country's children are falling victim to obesity at an early age due to constant use of TV, mobile, computer, internet in the same position all the time. Obesity also leads to diabetes. Not getting suitable environment Apart from this, the main reason for the problem of delayed speech is the child not getting the right environment from birth. In today's scientific and inflationary eraAlmost all members of the family are employed, due to which the child gets such an environment from birth, in which he has to stay alone from morning to evening with the elder of a house or the maid, which is a very quiet environment. It happens, due to which the speech act does not develop quickly in the child. Parents not talking to their children as needed and being busy is becoming a major reason for non-development of spoken language in children. Behavioral change Due to the above reasons, many young children todayVarious diseases are increasing. Due to the mistakes of parents and the misuse of technology, only a few percent of children are falling prey to autism at a young age. This is such a change of behavior, in which children are lost only in themselves. They delay in listening and understanding everything. Most of the parents consider these symptoms to be normal and do not pay attention to the child at all, but if this problem is not taken seriously, then in the future this problem also causes physical and mental diseases of the child. suggestion First of allOr every parent should give only specified time to the children to use mobile, TV, internet. Children should be encouraged to play outdoor sports as much as possible, through which their physical development takes place in a proper manner. Children should be encouraged to do yoga and other physical exercises, which strengthen the physical and mental condition. Younger children should be talked to more often, which proves helpful in their speech development and with them.Should spend more time. It is better to take the time to play with them yourself than to play alone. If a child shows symptoms of a speech delay related illness, he should immediately consult a speech therapy specialist.

—Vijay Garg Retired Principal Educational Columnist Malout Punjab

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