INC's firebrand spokesperson Pawan Khera truly is to the point, sharp, thoroughly researched, cogent (laconic as well when truly required), witty, "quick", analytical as well. Majority rightly acknowledge his prowess, capabilities, charisma to keep "non-stop questioning media people" not only spellbound but absolutely quiet as well with pin drop silence that is said to be truly surprising. But Pawan Khera's briefing is so pointed, to-the-point, lucid that the media-people despite their wishes to the contrary find it "not possible" to interject, interrupt, disturb, spoil the tempo, to say the least. Also, they do ask questions simultaneously raising raucous unlike with others. With "determined" Pawan Khera, they remain checked, controlled thus enabling him to brief the media "completely" with media people asking their "free wheeling" questions as well. ...Scores Pawan Khera thus truly, say almost all.