100% stickler of work allotted to him --- like, accomplishing inter-connecting 4-lane pucca roads all throughout the country never ever ever thought before leave alone ever seeing it, what to talk of even imagining it --- 24×7, "rigid", "martinet", "strict stickler of deadlines" Union Minister Nitin JayRam Gadkari these days is widely said to be displaying soft corner for the Congress, the Gandhi's openly by praising their many decades' uninterrupted, unabashed legacy despite attack on them from many fronts albeit, without any 100% concrete proofs though levelling allegations do not mention all that. The allegations are mentioned in such pucca convincing manner that they tend to sound true though they are not at all believed or taken seriously at all. Gadkari's pointing this out without any partisan inhibitions have not been taken adversely by his party people but they do seriously wonder how come suddenly, Nitin Gadkari is displaying soft corner for the Congress, the Gandhi family. What's up? They seriously wonder, why Gadkari's sudden "crush" for the Congress that was not in his good books earlier.