Jahaj (aeroplane) Ride Now For All People Of The Country: Unbelievable, even, Unfathomable, Unconvincing, Unthinkable, Illogical to say the least if not fully utterances of a luni or a mad persona. But none of these to say the least. It is as stark fact as it should have been immediately after the country's independence unlike being limited only to VIPs (they include politicians), VVIPs, Sky-levelled Privileged, Royals --- those who do not have personal planes --- and Tycoons / Parvenus. In all, they would be ironically not more than, actually negligible less than unbelievable
.000000001% of the country's total population of say, burgeoning, world's second largest population or is it now past the world's highest that is China's, tom-toming to that effect, courtesy, United Nations, took place some days back, that too, pretty assertively but then obviously was silenced. Nonetheless, indeed, it is fully factually correct that the people of all hues, unlike ever before, in a dramatic aspiration --- thanks to the current "every thing for every body, none any more elusive, far-reaching or rare" realistic fad raging all through the country --- to attain all, achieve all, ride all, conquer all, et all ensure, say, to take ride in space crafts what to talk of only aeroplane-yatra, its truly teeny-weeny for the people of India today. Perhaps that is why the managements of the airports are selling tea @ Rs 10 unlike then when a cup of "messy tea cost Rs 100-150 even Rs 70. A cold, insipid samosa @ Rs 80-100. Today, only Rs 20 for every samosa, hot, fresh, sumptuous. This dramatic change obviously is because of the "masses of all hues emplaning and deplaning day in and day out". Their pressure on the flights is so much that the authorities are forced to open new airports, incur more flights, inaugurate new routes, explore realistic possibilities in rural areas, make the whole country called Bharat aero plane-istic with no qualms whatsoever: Jahaj Now For All. Yipee.