Eighty Percent People Do Not Set Any Goal In Their Life


Vijay Garg

Wise people say that life is a journey that we have to map ourselves. But the question is, are we on a journey? If yes, on which journey? Where is our travel map? Including those who write and read these lines, more than ninety percent of the people who walk but do not know the journey. Who molded their feet into the maps is also not news. In what direction are we going? World famous actress Kate Winslet British At the Academy of Film and Television Arts' awards program this week, it said of content served up in the name of art in movies, TV and the Internet, "Please delete harmful and dangerous content, we don't want that." We want our children back. We don't want to lie awake fearing for our children's mental health. To any young people who may be listening who feel trapped in an unhealthy world, please help.''It is bitterly true what is said about disorientation. The issue of our directionlessness has become so serious that we have lost our awareness of it. Social media has created our new heroes. Everyone is trying to get rich by making reels, where nothing is responsible. Just a strange run of statistics. Social media has greatly increased disorientation by giving everyone the illusion of being great in their own right. Such is the lack of direction that a large number of social media users fall into the category of mental patients. Also of directionlessness There are many directions. If we talk about Punjab, an example of our collective directionlessness can be seen in the misuse of ground water and burning of crop residues. We are ruining ourselves. If you want to see an example of personal directionlessness, look at any drug addict around you or go to the house of God and see a blasphemer. If there is any politics behind this, then this politics also has directionlessness. Surveys around the world say that 80% of people do not have any goal in their life Myths Only twenty percent have decided what they want in life. In this matter, the condition of Indians and our Punjabis seems even worse. This is the reason that students are passing degrees but not reaching anywhere. Undoubtedly, there are shortcomings in our education system and weaknesses of governments. When we have no purpose, we are part of a directionless crowd, even if we stand alone. What colors are these directionless crowds showing in India?It is in front of everyone. Emigration from Punjab without any definite goal and clear purpose is also a well-educated example of this crowd. I call it donkey planting. While there are many methods of illegal donkey, donkey through the sea, donkey through the desert or forest, in the name of education, more people are bringing donkey through IELTS certificate. Their direction is so bad that people who are going in the name of education, what kind of goals have they hit in education? We don't have any clear guidelines for any stage of age. Nor does the West have it. That's why a documentary called "Get Smart in Money" had to be released on Netflix. In which the condition of the common people of the western society has been presented who do not even understand the use of their own money. In this respect we are also dangerously blind. According to an estimate, ninety percent of Indians living in villages do not have their own annual budget. Those reading these lines, think about yourself, do you make a budget for your family? Our direction-lessness matters like those farmers There are those who buy tractors with limits and then sell the tractor and marry the girl. If only, someone could remind us again and again of the story of trust and the right direction that can lead us in the direction of the future. Undoubtedly, Punjab has Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to avoid directionlessness. I wish someone would keep reminding us that the Guru Sahibs on the land of Punjab had changed our climate, changed our genetics for 239 years. The inhabitants of this place had been made warriors. I wish we could pray Let's join and ask for the good of all. 

—The Hawk Features

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