Dynamic Anil JaiHind Joins Congress: (Re)Incarnation Here

Anil JaiHind joins Congress, marking a new era of political transformation and unity
Anil JaiHind Joins Congress

Dynamic Anil JaiHind Joins Congress: (Re)Incarnation Here...Catch For The Congress Out Of Blues: Dynamic "Famous For Toughest Political Battle Battling And Mostly Winning Hands Down" Anil JaiHind Gleefully Joins The Congress Defying All Stubborn, Rudimentary, Rigmarole Rumours / Murmurs / Intense Whispers To The Utmost Contrary Joins The Congress In The August Company Of The Indian National Congress President "Inveterately Stoic" Mallikarjuna Kharge,  "Irrepressible, Insatiable, Unstoppable", "Karenge Ya Marenge" determined Rahul Gandhi, Astute, Acerbic, Amorous, Attuned Perfectly K C Venugopal...The all pervasive sight then was so impressive that many observers, seers, commentators, followers etc straightaway praised the whole scene that reminded them of similar voluminous scenes in which so many new persona joined the Congress and made it big for the Congress and themselves as well...So many of them are still continuing in the Congress in its important roles but silently, keeping all kinds of "useless, negative, b--- c--- influences" away. This "culture" is being seriously, somberly, methodically, spontaneously revived, resuscitated, rekindled in the Congress --- inherently, always for the people, by the people, of the people 24×7 --- today by Rahul Gandhi primarily. He wants the ol' Congress-for-all to be all pervasive again in all aspects, phases, levels, 
  All Round "Supersonic" Dynamic Anil JaiHind Dismissing All Intense Rumours Of He Actively Lending His Multi-Powered  Prowess For The "To Be Revived, Realigned, Rekindled, Rejuvenated, Realigned Socialists Or The Left Parties", He Spontaneously  Joins Congress Thereby Opening 24×7 FloodGates For All "Fighters", "Rebels", "Non-Perilous", "Non-Conventional", "Iconoclasts", "Battle Harpy", "Battle Ace", "Restless", "Dissatisfied" Etc Entities to join the Congress, literally fight for "equal justice in the same level at all times for all without any discrimination of any kind at all". Only this way, according to Rahul Gandhi, when the Indian National Congress will be automatically / naturally seen, believed as being one with all country-people simultaneously, the Congress then will be naturally, automatically taken in as inherent part and parcel of every Indian without any discrimination of any kind whatsoever. Further, that it is still a 100% repeatedly proven fact with numerous proven examples that everywhere in the country, the Congress has been standing by every where since 1885 till now...Thus, it is the Congress that is truly for all Bharatiya, of all Bharatiya, by all Bharatiya for all times...And now, it is Rahul Gandhi who is desperately, assuredly, determinedly fully exerting himself to make the Congress fully synonymous with all sections of Bharatiya so that they automatically identify themselves with the Congress without any slightest ado of any kind whatsoever. Its under such an aegis, dynamic Anil JaiHind is in Congress...Gotcha?!?

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