C/o KaliGhat, Mamata

Mamata Banerjee on a wheelchair

C/o KaliGhat, inimitably stoic, irrepressible, unstoppable, 24x7 masses-concerned Mamata Banerje now on wheel chair after she allegedly fell down at her home in KaliGhat day before yesterday. Still poised, pensive, "pennisular" even on wheel chair, Mamata Banerjee ("West Bengal's Pride, Centre's Envy Thus Enemy") characteristically continues to be West Bengal-concerned, how to keep it naturally united without hurting it in any way or dividing it in to 3-4 parts for better, effective administration amid strong denouncements of her being unable to administer the present West Bengal per se because of its large volume, uncommon acute diversities, contradictions, fallacies etc that make it "difficult" to effectively administer West Bengal for all in equal spirit". Thus the quandary of Mamata Banerjee, evident in the pic alongside. ...

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