Delinquency Epidemic Pervades All Over

rising unemployment on society

Delinquency Epidemic Pervades All Over In The Country In The Growing Absence Of (basic / fundamental / principles / casual) Employment  Defying All Anti-Apprehensions, Anti-Logistics, Anti-talks About "No Shortage Or No Paucity Of Employment At All In Any Sector In The Country". In fact, jobs are in plethora, in abundance in all sectors, fields, strata, areas but what ever vacancies are therein, it is due to devoid of worthy candidates which is not true at all in any way --- the counter view which surely needs to be addressed right away because unless the real cause/s of the draconian vacancies in all sectors are all pervasive and why they are not being filled by qualified people then, the obvious moot question is: Why so at all?!? Why the vacancies are not being filled by deserving candidates all pervasive in mass abundance and it is clearly evident in continuously piling up of mammoth number of vacancies not being filled by the responsible persona + organisations for reasons best known to them alone. At the same time, the blatant facts are growing numbers of vacancies pilling up in 99.9% work places in all sectors. But why these vacancies are not being filled up? Answer: Slow down; AI influence; No businesses; paucity of expansion, newness, elaboration; stoppage of taking corporate risks; etc, etc. compiling these points, it tantamounts to serious famine of jobs in every office, every sector, every "corporation"...Couple this factor with continuous churning of qualified persona but continuously unemployed piling up the numbers every month or so.

Naturally growing disenchantment, disillusionment, disgrace, dismay, dissatisfaction, frustration amid burgeoning number of unemployed young people who if all are only feeling tremendously enraged all set for an all out outburst any moment. Add to their numbers continuously increasing due to continuously people passing out and adding on to the "useless", "infructuous", "futile", "hopeless" unemployed line that if all only is "reaching at no where and is only stark dark" thus making the "waiting hopefuls for due employment totally disillusioned evoking them to do any thing drastic". Add to them, the new batches of unemployed pilling up steadily behind them in burgeoning numbers in steady manner with no brake...What does it mean? "Mass Social Disaster Knowing No Stoppage." And what does that tantamount to? Total break down of the system in the country and, say many, it may well lead to various types of divisions of or in the country all of which will be unstoppable, to put straightaway, curtly. There is this immediate need to banish that. To enable that + facilitate frayed tempers cool down, immediately, step by step, the mammoth vacancies in all sectors be filled immediately plus "stop closing the posts in the garb of they being in excess and get the jobs done by the AI which more often than not any way are wrong / badly concocted causing I'll effects to the sectors concerned. Instead when they will have trained personnel, naturally, the results will not only be correct but trustworthy as well unlike now when do many companies are negatively suffering because of AI but are non-repentant. Yes, many of them of course are seriously considering switching back to old system of live people for accuracies, live commentaries, live analyses etc. But that is not sorting out the mass dissatisfaction amid the continuous adding of dissatisfied unemployed persona at regular intervals who after completing their education find themselves unemployed and thus, absolutely hopeless. Thus, totally enraged, frustrated, all set to do any thing drastic. The only way to stop them from doing so is by givinaspect of itg them fundamental jobs so that they are self-empowered, self-sufficient, self-satisfied. Further, most crucial aspect of it all: As unemployment factor is insidiously talk of all societies, the ill-messages of it are reaching out to the delinquents easily.

They seeing "no employment for them are dangerously bending on adopting criminal practices to earn quick money and enjoy to the hilt without caring a dime for their status quo or for the societies per se". How to check them, digress them to manifold positively concrete activities so that they do not indulge in criminal activities. Again, for them too, a sure job for them will do positive wonders to them, see all. Unless the basic job like "always" available here as always, the psychic sociology of current generations will continue to be more and more aggressive, volatile, bloody, impatient, battling even without any provocation. Sociology then in the communities will continue to be growingly bloody, violent, no-holds-barred leading to continuous break down of law and order tantamount to all hell breaking loose all the time leading to continuous risk of very living or better still, existence. Obviously, such state of affairs should be averted at all costs. After all, peace is cardinal in this country. Violence is not the DNA here. Thus, allow peace pervade here. To enable that, let's provide employment of all types so that tempers are not frayed, nerves not sputtering thus, cool. So, no violence, no fight, no squabbles, no inter groupism, no jealousies, no intra personality clashes, so on and so forth. Crisply put, no dissatisfaction of any kind thus peace befalling on all, smooth goings-on in the societies all throughout the country making it really a livable entity unlike now when there is a continuous danger lurking about law and order breaking down any moment, all hell breaking loose any moment, societies destructing, going berserk with no control on them, so much so that there are every scenarios of ho-hols-barred thus, beyond any control, thus, confirmed doubts about the very existence of the country itself. ...A horrifying reality...Instead, provide employment, resort to the conventional Bharat wherein, all are employed somehow or the other. Strictly Avoid, Avert Delinquency Epidemic Pervades All Over to save, secure very ourselves what to talk about others. Keep off delinquency epidemic, chances of which now are  lurking ahead.

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