Culture Goes Awry

India's culture faces a crisis as traditional values decline, leading to societal disorder and chaos
Culture Goes Awry

Culture Goes Awry, Berserk, Topsy-Turvy, Tattering, Torn, Tumultuously Ways Off Even Any Slightest Semblance Of Basic, Conventional Culture Per Se As Envisaged, Conceptualised, Perceived, Conceived In India. Now's culture pursued in this country is "no culture" but "disculture" fully personified resulting in a whole generation of mishmash cultured persona who knows not what're they deprived of, what are their future, what are their goals, what do they want, what do they expect from the Indian-societies and what should they give in return back to the Indian societies all through the country. Since there is no orderly mechanism in this basic rigmarole of haves and have nots, it is only obvious for majority to be on their own, be topsy-turvy, go berserk, be even tumultuous, more often not, hunky-dory, bindless, boundless, disorderly. Immediate and long standing solutions to that are impossible to find, as, culture per se are not at all infusable but it diligently, assiduously percolates wholesome naturally. Without any ado whatsoever of any kind. Resultwise, there is no check and balance. It is freewheeling, so to say. Hence, culture is often termed as "weird", "avocado", "mystifying", "magnolia", "magnanimous", "magnificent", "eternal", "mega", "decent", "not-at-all dormant", "ever evolving", "not static", "not crass", "not gauche", "not at all fosil-like but it is for ever lively, influencing, infiltrating, infatuation-prone". In this perspective --- there is no other perspective when it comes to culture as such --- it is only natural that in an acutely diversely populated country like India, culture per se unlike in other countries can not be and should not be also static, dogmatic, dysfunctional, nomadic, nincompoop, singular,  polluted, inhuman, rather, congenial, mass-acceptable, mass-enduring, mass-gravitational, non-manipulative, non-manouvering, non-plussed, non-nomadic, non-grotesque in any ways whatsoever. Once all these are flouted / polluted / harmed, culture surely goes awry, a big semblance is being now seen, felt, experienced in India these days 24×7. Result of such "originality break down": gauche culture as in India these days rampantly in all levels. The original Bharatiya-ta is vanishing whoosh. What is insidiously all pervasive in all levels --- even in ashrams, so-called religious congregations --- almost every where is freewheeling culture that is not this country's. Resultwise, the conventional societal rules, regulations, procedures, emulations are absent. Instead disorderly procedures are in rage in the societies per se. No check on them. No one to tell them about the country's centuries old norms, rules, beliefs, procedures --- all these together are the culture --- that constitute the real culture of this country. Naturally then, disorderly civilisational chaos due to absence of 'original culture' pervades resulting in the country being grossly disorderly and the country's enemies, rivals easily take advantage of that to suit their vested interests. So on and so forth. But here arises a vital point and that is, why the Central Culture Ministry abstains from concertising all norms of all culture procedures to be followed adhered to in the country in what best be described as One India, One Culture. This way, unity, integrity in the country will remain intact, no squabbles of any kind, no controversies of any kind unlike now plus, the country India will look integrated in to one single entity 24×7×<365.

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