Concern On Over Population In The Country...Deep concern now amid the country's many varieties of important circles including the government in the country about huge, over population in the country because of which no amount of benefits / welfare measures are adequate. Insufficiencies in all sectors consistently / persistently remain despite best of intentions, supplies, provisions to the contrary. Resultwise, complaints, grouses, grumbling, dissatisfactions, inadequacies remain, do not end. No amount / extent of all round welfare measures are adequate enough to simultaneously fulfil all citizens of all hues in one go. Deprived masses remain. This despite best of intentions of the authorities to the contrary. They naturally due to various reasons like shortage of man power etc are unable to reach at all but their supplies are always visible. Yet, they end up inadequate. That's because, burgeoning numbers of masses are present. They 'need', but, reaching them is more often than not is difficult as in most cases, their numbers, locations, whereabouts are not known for obvious reasons. They thus remain left out from benefits.
Even the elected representatives, social workers etc often fail to detect them because of their unlisted numbers as far as their specific population numbers and their specific whereabouts are unknown to the "responsible persona". On the contrary, when it is considered that the all numbers of populations are counted then all sorts of benefits, dues will naturally reach at them with ease. On the contrary, as the population figures keep increasing, keeping tab on them is naturally not possible as there is no account of them, their locations. Upto the village, hamlet level, local level, those in charge of keeping tab on the local people find it difficult to keep tab on controlled population, to put curtly, as that is unwelcome amid the local people. They take any kind of invigilation on their child birth control as "gross interference" in their personal matters thus, misuse of power. They then unite against the concerned authorities which soon turn out to be a rebellion kind of issue. And that leads to "unnecessary" rebellion which otherwise is uncalled for, strictly put. But, social circumstances being such, nothing could be done to prevent it, it has to be bore with. At the same time, the population has to be checked. How? May be, opine many, by going all out everywhere loudly telling the masses about the positive, useful aspects of controlled population, its uses, its benefits, the country's utilities, further uses, their positive / useful consequences on the Bharatiya Samaj. As the Bharatiya Samaj will be all round healthy, flourishing, prosperous, the Bharat and its masses of all hues will be all round healthy, prosperous. Controlled population will mean, adequate supplies to all with no denial unlike now when the very requirement is not known as the population keeps on increasing on alarming rate. The situation will be naturally reverse if the population is controlled, fixed. The all round requirements then will be surely near-enough if not, full, for all. To enable this happen in reality, concern on over population in the country.