Right away, check volcano danger right away to alleviate (can't be eliminated nor lessened or eased) --- can not be altogether banished and make it anachronous, incongruous --- (mass) destruction, ruin, all round devastation, rickety, ravenous ruins, "burn all over," chaos, rubbles, unstoppable, dangerous side effects, ...civilisation-gulping never-ending volcanos indeed do have --- know not many in Bharat as the mass destructive phenomenon is not frequent here --- all round demolition effect per se with no chance of stopping it in any way, come what may. In India of course, volcanos are not talked about as it is a rare occurence but let this be loud and clear that the way there are frequent unchecked, freewheeling volcano eruptions all through the world these days due to planetary positions, global warming, intense ecological imbalances, rampant dispositions these days, how can India be away from it really. After all, all said and done, India is as much inherent part and parcel of this very world, globe as any other country. So, whatever happens elsewhere in the world is very much naturally applicable in India as well. It is so true that in India, the people of almost all hues do not frequently talk about volcano, its startling demolition-effects, its macabre consequences, its all round destructive fall outs unlike in South America but in India too, the immediacy of volcano eruptions continuously remains, with all its instant all round, all engilfing destructive effects intact, set, even, perhaps pre-destined, not known to human beings even in today's omniscient-posing world of braggadocio-ful scientific crap, to say the least. Scientifically, it is yet to be ascertained when --- the exact time of it --- in India, volcanos can erupt and with what intensity, its consequences, its all round, specific all round (ill)effects, extent of destructions, effects where all, to what extent, with what specific consequences et al. With such uncertainties all pervasive, the "scientific crap" be put on hold for the time being...Instead, this be firmly, assuredly, self-determinedly ascertained exactly when the volcano in India all set to erupt with what intensities, in which areas of the country, the number of and exact locations of currently dormant volcanos, all the ill effects of their rising out and with what speed, reasons of their eruptions, their spreading on to new areas of their choice, their destruction-measurement etc, etc. Should these be duly continuously ascertained, it will be only then natural that adequate pre-emptive precautions be amply, adequately, timely taken to avert every possible ill, macabre consequences that otherwise if not done will only lead to uninterrupted mass annihilation of all kinds from top to bottom. To avert that, it is thus most imperative that well in advance, rather now itself, the exact assessment of exact timing of the earthquake assessment in India be kept handy so that from well in advance, all measurements to pre-empt them are more than adequately, correctly, appropriately taken to demolish volcano-eruption every possible way more than adequately. ...Check Thus Volcano Danger Right Away Aptly.