Bold Step: Deregulation For Easy Businesses

India Takes Bold Step Toward Business Growth with Deregulation and Reduced Government Interference
Deregulation For Easy Businesses

Deregulation: In what is being openly, assuredly, confidently addressed as bold(est) step for doing hassle free, hazard free, smooth, time-saving,  easy businesses in a jiffy, thus, mega times instant multi revenues,  deregulation is being taken as an all round welcome step in all relevant spheres, circles, coterie's etc.  Deregulation signifies, barest minimum government interferences in businesses --- unlike now, government interferences in every step of a business is writ large thereby simply hacking the very spirit, essence of a business this tantamount to less businesses meaning paper thin revenues that otherwise would easily swelling on to multi trillions with "more than that kind of sure potentials omnipresent in entire India at any given point of time per se". But due to over bearing government interference in the businesses --- this despite current free economy free from licenses, quota, permit, tender, contract, nepotism, favouritism et al --- many major, minor, middle businesses are drying up instead of hugely swelling day after day in the absence of any control of the government. But that's not what to be as today's business-doers, totally unhappy, dissatisfied with the blow-by-blow government interferences are of assured firm conviction that their businesses are not only depleting but drying up fast as they are unable to comply with the government's "unsavoury, complicated, rigmarole, rudimentary, labyrinthine" rules, 99.9% of which are blockages to the fundamental business procedures. Thus, a big "0", thanks to the government over bearing interferences that are simply intolerable, unbearable, unacceptable. To satiate them and to help boost multiple, mega productions in all sectors without government interference of all kinds, deregulation for easy businesses without slightest government interference. To facilitate that, deregulation. To instill that, Deregulation Commission for installation of government interference free businesses, acceptable to all sans all kinds of grievances per se. Thus, Bold Step: Deregulation For Easy Businesses. 

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