Are Bharatiya Divided?!?

modi ji

Are Bharatiya Jan-sadharan Divided Straightaway In To Two Factions, One of whom with 100% allegiance, loyalty, alignment, stickler with Narendra Modi, the other, obviously in minority, is loyal to rest other parties including the Congress or specifically, Rahul Gandhi, and pretty many to fast nearing with Priyanka Gandhi. It must be mentioned here --- it being surely relevant if not markedly significant --- that there is a growing feeling / apprehension that with every passing day, more and more people from the latter faction are bending towards Priyanka Gandhi terming her to be far more promising than him, she has more power, she is far direct, she is forthright, she resembles Indira Gandhi in numerous ways giving consolidated impression of Indira Gandhi is back, incarnated in Priyanka G. With this in perspective, there is subtle but sure division further amid the second faction whose many are tilting towards Priyanka, leaving Rahul but officially showing they are with him also in what could be described as deliberate vacillation to keep their credentials in front of the Gandhis intact. While they may do what they want, the fact is, the number of Bharatiya is fast swelling more and more toward the number of masses aligned with Modi as he is "100% today, tomorrow, near, future and further future's both Bharatiya leader and antarashtriya leader per se thus on top of all."

With this in view, it is only obvious that his support base all throughout the country, cutting across its all length and breath, is 100% solid, unshakeable, immovable". Its numbers too comprise more than 50% of 140-Cr Bharatiya. And the percentage is swelling faster than ever imagined...In view of this, the other faction seems to be in nursery not even in prep. Why? Because, there is a great absence of a firm, solid, definitive, assured, 100% confident, indefatigable, Stoic leader in the 2nd lobby headed by who??? No pointed leader in that section thus, its highly confusing for numerous many to align with them to them it seems, being in the other team is like jumping in to "sure uncertainty" as it has no marked leader thus, hotch-potch, helter-skelter, topsy-turvy personified through and through...So why at all involved with that "future-less team"? Instead, it is sure call of the day to get aligned with Modi who has many years of power in him, why be with near-sinking ship that has no future at all whatsoever?!? In contrast, Modi is uppermost in the whole world as top credibility prone with many, many more years left in him to be continually on top of all power.

Thus, be with him, be with his prosperity, be with his ascendance to partake of his 'natural glorification'. After all, today, he is Bharat, Bharat is he, no dispute in that at all. Its abs clear this, be with Bharat, be with Modi. What then of the Opposition? After all, in a working democracy, a healthy Opposition is must for check and balance of the healthy democracy, the ruling echelon be not left unscrutinised lest they become unruly, unchecked, unbridled, unfettered, unchecked, go systematically berserk. To check these thus, healthy, constructive, solid leader-headed Opposition is must. That's abysmally missing now. And that's also the great advantage of Modi. And it will be so till at least 2047. By then surely, Bharat will be on top in all sectors per se. Thus, Bharatiya are not divided but surely on the way to achieve new annals, never ever thought before by any one before Modi. 


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