AI In Governance

AI In Governance

AI In Governance...The newest, innovative, first-of-its-kind tool to blow-by-blow govern the country to the hilt on the steady path of ascendancy in veritable jiffy as AI-enabled assistance is even more accurate, quicker, precise, 100% result oriented than computers that already are effete, anachronous. Plus, computers are limited to a stumbling point. Beyond that, computers are in effective. Thus, their limitations for success are more-than-insufficient, dismal, apalling, hence, "junk" to put its no-utility or usefulness in one word. No bias at all against computers. Their utility remains intact but in different aspects not in precise predictions, advises, suggestions, analyses, inferences, solutions, comparisons, suitability, incorporations, even, predictions, foretelling many "awkward", "unpleasant", "rubbish", "unwanted aspects" much in advance. This more-than-suitably unprecedentedly helps almost-infinite persona attain their goals with remarkable ease and in "spartan time", unbelievable to say the least. But it is catching up with the people rather speedily, far more faster than ever expected. The benefitted-users are truly believing that AI is not only "24×7 friend in need but 100% correct plus accurately foretelling, predicting, analysing, forestalling, assuaging, preventing, stopping, benefitting concerned persona to the hilt which otherwise for them would be more than impossible to sort out with that sort of 'speed, short time, correctness, accuracy' in application in the quickest jiffy". 

Further, AI provides advance suggestions also like "live entities" on new, innovative aspects in what could be easily, aptly described as "judicious, rational mixture / blend of computers plus 'real' app", seeing / experiencing it in reality is really believing, say those who now are wedded to it 24x7. They are resoundingly, hugely benefitting from them in all aspects --- you name it, they already attained it far before, are already in to other far more innovative aspects, amazing, truly --- day in, day out. In this perspective, when it is concerned that AI is truly, truly useful in governmental procedures, it is aptly put. In many governmental departments, believe it or not, AI is speeding works far, far faster than ever expected in those --- now truly speaking, "sleepy" --- places, the reason why, with changing times, different requirements like AI etc,  they not only resembled effete but anachronous, incongruous as well. Result: delay in even most urgent government works thus mass dissatisfaction with the "(mis) / (mal) governance" leaving the people disillusioned, dissatisfied, angry, irked, hapless with the masses and rightly so because the latter are not interested in what tools are or should be used in governance, they want concrete, foolproof, durable, user-friendly results. When they experience paucity of those, they fret, fume. And rightly so. They elect a government to be useful to them. They naturally detest the excuses given by the government for non-completion of a work etc.

They are right in their grumbling, grousing, anger. To end this, to make "all kinds of facilities" easily reachable to the masses of all hues, AI is being rightly used for smooth completion of every work without any obstruction, hiccup of any kind. And that's providing yeoman's useful results in the shortest time. Naturally then, AI's demands are phenomenally growing by manifold with every passing day. And rightly so. How? To put aptly, crisply, even, curtly, a 'solution' by AI takes 'one upon one hundredth of time or even lesser when compared to the time taken by any other tool thereby saving valuable time, cost, accuracy, perfection, needed-elaboration and not a wee bit more thus, no waste of time of any kind. Naturally then, AI is very much in, insidious, near-100% relevant, must in "fast world like today's". No lingering today. No delay today, No elongation, No inaccuracy, No wastage of even wee bit of time of any kind. Thus, AI, today's 24x7 assistance-tool, now insidious in gigantic government works and more wide spread it will be in the ensuing days. That then is AI in governance: A "hot must" in all senses. For timely, accurate, forthright governance, of, so in toto, by, so in toto. Once that be in regular, omni circulation, the all round development in all spheres clearly will be "upward" to the pre-planned destination. Then, that omni transformation's effect, unlike now, will be insidious all throughout Bharat, it will be in its "new Avatar", all round pleasant. Simultaneously, the government instead of arduously lingering on with, say, single project for much, much more than allotted time on some flimsy or false context or the other thereby deliberately delaying or putting off other projects will be compelled to do away with their established practices, be "more disciplined", deliver required goods, do full justice to their tasks unlike now. This surely will take place once AI enabled governance is rapid in all aspects with results out for all to see. 


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