3 important railway projects recommended by Network Planning Group

New Delhi (The Hawk): Network Planning Group constituted under the institutional framework of ‘PM GatiShakti National Master Plan’ has examined and recommended 3 important railway projects on 3rd August, 2022. These are Doubling of Gorakhpur Cantt – Valmikinagar rail line, Katihar – Mukuria and Katihar – Kumedpur Doubling and Pachora – Jamner Gauge Conversion & Extension upto Bodwad. All 3 projects are extremely important with a view to ensure faster movement of goods in the hinterland which will accelerate the logistics efficiency and bring reduction in logistics costs.

MoR has identified ‘high density network’ of railway lines to achieve target of 3000 million metric tonne of freight movement. As part of that mission, 3 critical important projects have been identified as follows:

I.         Doubling of Gorakhpur Cantt – Valmikinagar rail line :

           To ensure freight flow, particularly food grain movement from western India to North Eastern States, Gorakhpur Cantt – Valmikinagar (95 km.) is an important stretch which was having only single railway line affecting the freight movement. From Valmikinagar upto Muzaffarpur, work on doubling is already going on. This proposed doubling project with the cost of Rs. 1120 Crore is expected to improve the logistics efficiency significantly.

II.       Katihar – Mukuria and Katihar – Kumedpur Doubling

 Katihar – Mukuria and Katihar – Kumedpur are extremely busy sections. Currently this is single line and it is a Rajdhani train route. This is important link to connect Northeast and also Howrah. Doubling of these sections will significantly help   movement of cargo from Kolkata Port to Virat Nagar. The cost of this project is Rs.942 Crore.

III.      Pachora – Jamner Gauge Conversion & Extension upto Bodwad

           This project is in the State of Maharashtra. Pachora to Jamner Gauge Conversion and extension of railway line of Bodwad. This project would be 84 km. long at an anticipated cost of Rs.955 Crore. This project will provide bye pass double line railway connectivity for Jalgaon and Bhusawal. It will provide faster freight movement from JNPT to Nagpur and eastern region of the country.

Network Planning Group has recommended all 3 project proposals. The members of the Network Planning Group have further suggested certain components from integrated planning and synchronized implementation concept. M/o Environment, Forests & Climate Change has assured faster clearances. All these projects have been mapped on PM GatiShakti NMP. Through PM GatiShakti NMP it shall be possible to implement these projects in the next five years within estimated cost 

The Network Planning Group has the head of Planning Divisions of the infrastructure Ministries including M/o Railways, MoRTH, Power, MoPNG, MNRE, DoT, MoCA, MoPSW with special representative from NITI Aayog and MoEF&CC. Logistics Division, DPIIT functions as secretariat of PM GatiShakti.

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